TSEC Level 1 - MTS 104 Business Value Discovery
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|Virtual Event
Technical Sales Engineer Certification Level 1 (TSEC-L1) Learn how to build value for your solutions through proper discovery techniques proven over 20 years and used by tens of thousands of your peers!

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About the event
Discovery is the key to revenue – yet is often rushed. Just as in medicine, prescription without diagnosis is malpractice. How, as an SE, do you ask the right questions to get to the key business issues without diving down in the speed-and-feeds weeds? What are often missing are the capabilities to turn those issues into the three components of key business drivers. How, specifically, do you translate technical differentiators into Increasing Revenue, Reducing Cost, Satisfying Mission or Mitigating Risk? How do you deal with situations that don’t feel right and when you can’t quantify the business (or technical) impact of your solution? Discovery is the way a SE learns what goes into The Perfect Pitch from the viewpoint of the customer. This class also introduces the concept of back-of-the-napkin ROI and gathering financial evidence to determine the impact of the potential sale.
Day 1
Introduction to Business Value…